Get to Know me

About Me

I'm Samarth Potdar, a student and an enthusiastic learner.

I like to do innovative things in my free time. I am currently pursuing my bachelor of technology in electrical engineering at IIT Jodhpur. I like to involve myself in Web Development. My interest lies in IoT and security. Looking for collaborating with other programmers.

Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects

Fun fact: I love to draw !

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Name: Samarth Potdar
Location: INDIA

My Few Projects

Discord BOT

A discord bot to notify people about upcoming coding cotests on various coding platforms

Real Time Chat Room

This is a simple chat room created using and node.js

COVID Live updates

This is script written in python to get live updates of COVID cases in India and some graphical representation

Twiter sentiment Analysis

This is Machine learning project made under the course "Introduction to machine learning"

Facial mask detectiom

This is Machine learning project made to detect whether a person is wearing a mask or not.

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Always available for work if the right project
comes along, Feel free to contact me!

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